
I just placed an order, when will it ship?

Our fulfillment partner will ship within 2 business days of the order.

How long does shipping take?

USA: estimated 3-7 business days

International: estimated 8-18 business days

Do you ship orders worldwide?

We currently only sell in the US market and will gradually open other markets

Will I have to pay Duty/Import taxes?

Some countries may require you to pay import taxes on your order. Please consult with your local tax laws. We offer shipping services with some countries which allow you to pay the import Duty during checkout (DDP), rather than upon arrival.

NPPN Spinner

What is a NPPN Spinner?

NPPN fidget spinner definitely not a typical spinner toy, but lots of opportunities for sensory input nonetheless. All it takes is a small, repetitive, relaxing movement of the included metal piece bearing around the NPPN to begin an indescribably satisfying experience. Finding a smooth spin rhythm, the NPPN will undoubtedly bring you hours of excitement with endless possibilities. It's extremely fun to use, and easy enough to learn with only a few minutes of practice

Does it make noise?

Very quiet during rotation (below 20 db)

Is it suitable for children?

This is more suited to teens and adults due to the skill required to use it